When the Stake Splits
Today we learned that 3 wards from our Stake, including the YSA ward, are now part of either a new Marana Stake (Countryside and Tortolita Wards) or the Tucson West Stake (YSA 1st Ward). President Somerville is now Stake President of the newly formed Marana Stake. Jim Springer told me that Wards and Stakes in the Western USA are considered to be, on average, too large.
We have had a lot of rain lately. Weather experts blame El Nino. It has probably been 10 years since I had to cross a running Canada Del Oro Wash while riding up the Charouleau Gap trail.
There was a Tacoma coming the other way.
Haley became a BYU fan Saturday and is now at the airport waiting for her rescheduled flight to Rio. We are praying she stays safe.
Eric and Krystal went to Boise.
Gordon will be stopping by on his way to LA and Johnny gets his punk on.
Here is the the SBNation guide to hat angles...
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