Sunday, December 6, 2015

Johnny in the Land of AZ

Johnny stayed with us while Alison and Gordon did house hunting and other preparations for living in California.

One night we all watched Rudolf

Johnny eats pizza starting from the top
We went for a hike on the trail.

We found the exercise equipment

He likes to climb
Chasing quails was fun

He discovered rocks

He started making  pile

The last rock for the pile

Siamese Twin - I am not sure how I did this picture
Helping with the tree

Interesting ornaments

Good rolls at the Ward Party


At December 6, 2015 at 2:49 PM , Blogger f reese said...

It was an adventure having Johnny stay here. He had a love/hate relationship with the dogs. They did like all the food he'd give them. He is really smart and so cute. We will miss him.


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