Sunday, February 28, 2016


Felicia and I went to see the movie called "Risen" over the weekend. I recommend it. It is told from the perspective of the Roman Tribune whose men were assigned to do the crucifixion and depicts what happens as he searches for the missing body from the tomb. It is pretty well done.

It was a little distracting that Malfoy was the Roman Tribune's 2nd in command.

Also, a little distracting was that Maori actor, Cliff Curtis...

was playing Jesus.
I think the movie did a good job of portraying the perspective of the Roman leaders in Jerusalem and what kind of reaction one of them might have if they had happened to see the risen Lord.

Gordon and Alison closed on their house this week but, because of some goofy laws in California, they don't get the keys until next week.

Haley has been ill this week. She is feeling better and is test owning a 2014 Kia Soul this weekend.

Eric and Krystal are looking for jobs in Texas and it appears that Krystal may have found one.

I did some backcountry riding this weekend into the area where I bruised my kidney 15 years ago. The Hazardous Road sign is still there.

It is still pretty there, also
This big rock up by the little tree is the rock that I fell on 15 years ago.

I met some Jeeps on the trail. They were stopped to let a lady walk ahead of them to use the bathroom. Here is a lesson. One should walk some distance off of the trail to use the bathroom because there is no telling when a motorcyclist may come around the corner.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Master John's Wild Ambulence Ride

Gordon, Alison, and John went to Disneyland on Friday. It turns out the Johnny had gotten sick and was running a fever at the park but no one knew.
During the fireworks show, Gordon looked down at Johnny and saw him staring back at him blankly. He realized something was wrong so he and Alison quickly found a first aid station where the Disneyland staff impressed with efficiency and an EMTs and an ambulance were quickly on the scene.

They all rode in the ambulance to the hospital where Johnny quickly recovered. What occurred is called a Febrile Seizure.

"Febrile seizures are seizures or convulsions that occur in young children and are triggered by fever.  Young children between the ages of about 6 months and 5 years old are the most likely to experience febrile seizures; this risk peaks during the second year of life.  The fever may accompany common childhood illnesses such as a cold, the flu, or an ear infection.  In some cases, a child may not have a fever at the time of the seizure but will develop one a few hours later."

We are very grateful he is back to his normal self, although still ill with something. It was very scary for a Gordon and Alison.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Hearts of Fire

Our BBQ Grill went kaput. We had noticed that the flame wasn't as hot as it should be the last time we used it. I weighed the tank at it was still half full. Then I noticed a cool jet of gas coming out of the vent on the regulator. I wondered if that was propane. A strike of the lighter revealed it was.

Hard to see but there is a blue flame jet coming out of the regulator vent hole. The wind bends it and it cools to orange at the end.
Felicia wanted to cook some Omaha Steaks that we got for Christmas so we made a trip to Walmart.
Here are all the pieces of the new grill spread on the pools deck
After a few hours of work I finished the "20 minute" assembly.

The new grill is ready to go.
The old grill is ready to go to the recycle bin. There is a lot of cast aluminum in the old grill.
Felicia and I will be enjoying Valentines Day this Sunday with our Omaha Steaks.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Living Like We're Renegades

In Sunday School we discussed Lehi's journey in the wilderness with his family. It was eight years covering 2500 miles. They must have gone through a lot of sandals. In order to avoid the warring Arab tribes, they couldn't have fires and had to eat raw meat. Brother Bailey asked if we would be ready if we had to gather in the wilderness and avoid other parts of civilization.

I rented a car in Dallas this week that could help with that, a jeep Renegade. Only trouble is it had a lot of luxury features that someone fleeing to the wilderness would probably want to avoid; heated steering wheel, heated seats, backup camera, keyless start, leather, etc. Also, you'd probably want the Trailhawk edition.

I found water, ice, and deer tracks in my wilderness wandering this weekend.

I wonder if hunting and skinning deer is something we should be skilled at.

Felicia has been sick with a cough all week. I think she is starting to get better now but is pretty horse.

On another subject...This is a reminder to all that it is time to do your taxes. Haley got a big rebate this week.