Sunday, December 27, 2015

Merry Pink Eye

Haley and I decided to go for a hike Christmas Eve. By the time we were ready to go, Felicia was back from her jazzercise class and said she would go, too. We went to the Linda Vista trail.
Linda Vista Trailhead

Oro Valley in the background

Nice View

The Explorer

Negotiating the trail
On Christmas Day, Haley awoke with a swollen red left eye.

Urgent Care Check-in Christmas Morning 2015
 The doctor told here she didn't think it was Pink Eye but it was Conjunctivitis. I didn't know there was a difference. Maybe one is viral and the other bacterial. She was told not to wear contacts for 1 week.
 We were off to the Pharmacy to get the antibiotic eye drops.
Then to the Pharmacy on Christmas Morning

Eye Drops 4 times a day for a week.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Let it Snow

We arrived in Utah to attend Eric's graduation. Our first stop was with Janet and Terry and Mom. All of Northern Utah and Idaho had just received a blanket of snow.
A winter scene out the window of the Grant home

The Grant's House

The Grant Parking Lot
Inside we found that Austin and Stephanie had just arrived from the Caribbean to have a white Christmas.
Mom was enjoying all the activity with baby Kate.
The next morning Felicia and I were off to Rexburg... our rented Chevy Cruze.
Slushy Interstate Oasis in Idaho
Lunch with Eric and Krystal at the Hickory in Rexburg
After meeting for a late-late lunch we rushed to the BYUIC for the Commencement.
  Elder Kim B. Clark and Elder Quinton Cook spoke. The theme was to not just focus on doing what furthers your career but consider also what the Lord would have you do.
We reunited in the gym before the Convocation.
Happy wife

Happy Graduate

Happy Couple

Happy Parents

Class of 2015, 1900+ winter graduates
More Ceremony..."You can do hard things".

Healthcare Administration Graduate With Diploma Cover

Eric graduated with horticulture students so he received a very fragrant rose.
 Back to the car and the Idaho Falls Sleep Inn.
Sleep Inn parking lot
We stopped by the house in Brigham City for old time's sake.
The old house I grew up in
Then we were off to see Haley...
Haley all wired up
...and watch the disaster unfold

An awful first quarter!
The rest of the game was interesting even though we came up short.
Haley and Felicia at Temple Square
 We went to Temple Square after the game. It was extremely busy and difficult to find parking.

We had dinner at The Garden on the 10th floor of the Joseph Smith Memorial
Window Seat

We said goodbye to Haley and caught an early flight home on Sunday so we could make a 1PM Sacrament Meeting.

Sunday, December 13, 2015


I found a photo on my camera's internal memory that I had forgotten about. I took it while my memory card was in the computer.
Johnny tried to take a picture of me with a camera battery one day. He said, "Say Cheese".
Johnny helped me a little with lights but mostly I got them up when he napped. He liked the puppy and penguin. He didn't know what to think about the star wars things.
The sale of motorcycle parts continues. I have now sold $1150 in parts and still have the suspension, wheels, and engine to go.

I took the little bike out for a ride Saturday after it had rained all night. The first section was the sloppiest I had ever experienced in AZ. It was like riding through a chocolate mousse.

All the little creek crossings had water running in them.

Even this one that I had never seen with running water.

Because of the mud, I was able to follow the tracks of someone who had ridden earlier that morning. I could tell he was enjoying it by the roosts at every corner. When I got to this rock face I saw his tracks took a line I didn't expect. I had always followed the line that the jeep tracks here are showing. The rock step at the top of the hill always made it necessary for me to pile rocks to help me get up the lip of the step. This other guys tracks were way off to the left hitting a part on the step that didn't require rock placement but required him to ride at an off-camber angle up over the step. I was thinking about trying it but it started to rain again so I decided to go back home.

 Back home
Nothing says "FUN!" like a mud-splattered motorcycle.
I had parking lot duty at the live Nativity. Things were going fine and then we heard on the radio that the donkey was missing. Apparently the girl in charge of tying up the donkey between shows did not use a good knot. Soon barking dogs were heard. By following the dog barking we were able to regain the donkey so Mary had to walk in only one showing of the 6 that night.