Sunday, July 26, 2015

Pioneer Day 2015

I keep for getting to reset the date on my camera. 
We celebrated Pioneer Day in the Coronado Ward on Saturday. Felicia bought a pioneer shirt for me.
Felicia had her outfit as well.

Felicia in her trek clothes with the Missionaries.
I played the guitar and sang 'Cool Water' using Eric's Fender amp. It didn't turn out great. My acoustic sounded like a Stratocaster.

There was also a pie eating contest.

Found a bunch of jeeps on the blocking the trail today. While coming down I met Wayne Schramm on his mountain bike at this spot.

We are officially trying to workout wedding plans now.
Eric and Krystal

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Unexpected Excitement

Eric and Krystal
Unexpected excitement has arrived. More at a future date.

On an unrelated subject...

Today at church Stu Moser, our 91 year old converted Jew, spoke about how the Holy Ghost helped him. He said that as a young Jewish boy landing on Utah beach during the Normandy invasion he had no understanding or concept of the Holy Ghost. It did not exist among the Jews. He said the horrors of that wartime experience pushed him to deny that God existed.

Now after being baptized at age 90 and receiving the gift of the Holy Ghosts, his mind has been opened and he now understands that he was helping perform the work God needed to be done. He said that Satan had gotten a strong foothold on earth in the Nazi party and needed to beaten back to enable the Gospel to be taught in Europe and evil to be halted.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Dinosaur in the Pool

This guy was hanging on for dear life when I went out in the back yard. I got the net and freed him. Not even a thank you.

I was given a woman's name and address for a new home teaching assignment. I went by to introduce myself at the house after church. The last name of the woman I was to visit was Adams. the house had a sign on the door saying 'The Adams'. The couple who answered the door said there was no one named Kelly Adams living there and they had no affiliation with the LDS church. Oh well, I tried.

We had our meeting about the church response to the supreme court ruling. I worry about how this new right to dignity that the supreme court invented will be applied in the future.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Dolly Steamboat 4th

Felicia and I celebrated the Forth of July in a different way this year (unfortunately the date code on my camera was wrong). We bought tickets on the Dolly Steamboat in Canyon Lake.

Felicia at the Wheel

On board at our table
Under way

Safety Instruction
Fake Paddlewheel
Upper Deck
Entering the Main Canyon
Taking it in
Choice of Indoors or Out
Indian Princess Rock
Both Princesses


Flag Flying
Eagle Perching
American Bald Eagle

Silhouetted against the sky
Black Cross Canyon (cross carved into rock)
Bighorn Sheep Yew
Side view
Dam at Sundown

Saturday, July 4, 2015

In a Pickle

I went to Pocatello on business this week. I was able to have dinner with Eric and Krystal on Tuesday at a Texas Roadhouse in Idaho Falls.

Eric and Krystal - July 2015

Eric seemed happy. I learned about Krystal's work experience helping her Dad in commercial fishing in Alaska.

We finished all our business in two days and didn't have a flight out until the afternoon of the next day, so we decided to visit Craters of the Moon National Monument.

Relief Map showing Caldera migration from Craters of the Moon to Yellowstone
Dead Tree
Climbing Inferno Cinder Cone
Splatter Cone
CoWorkers entering Indian Tunnel Lava Tube
Indian Tunnel end
We left thinking we had time to get lunch in Arco. We stopped at Pickle's Place.

Sitting in the Pickle Chair
It took a little longer to get our meal than we expected. Driving back we saw we were really tight to meet our flight back. We as we neared the exit for the hotel (we left my rental car at the hotel) we saw there was a big accident with a rolled over RV on the other side of the freeway (the side we needed to go on to get back to the airport). The entrance to the on-ramp was conned off on that side and a policeman was blocking it. At the hotel, we were surprised to see they had started repaving the parking lot and had taped off the entrance where my car was. I was able to convince them to let me get my car. They cleaned up the accident and opened the on-ramp. We sped to the airport but were too late. We had to re-rent one of the cars and drive to SLC to catch our connecting flight. That worked out OK.

Chief Pocatello