Sunday, July 19, 2015

Unexpected Excitement

Eric and Krystal
Unexpected excitement has arrived. More at a future date.

On an unrelated subject...

Today at church Stu Moser, our 91 year old converted Jew, spoke about how the Holy Ghost helped him. He said that as a young Jewish boy landing on Utah beach during the Normandy invasion he had no understanding or concept of the Holy Ghost. It did not exist among the Jews. He said the horrors of that wartime experience pushed him to deny that God existed.

Now after being baptized at age 90 and receiving the gift of the Holy Ghosts, his mind has been opened and he now understands that he was helping perform the work God needed to be done. He said that Satan had gotten a strong foothold on earth in the Nazi party and needed to beaten back to enable the Gospel to be taught in Europe and evil to be halted.


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