Wednesday, December 31, 2014

New Year's Eve Hike

I tried to get Eric out on the motorcycle but he felt he was too rusty. I took a ride to Owl Head Buttes. I decided I would read the signs along the way and found out I was violating some of the stated rules.

When I came to the first gate I found this sign...

I wouldn't have made it far if I'd never opened the gate. It did give me a feeling of the old west to know that cattle rustlers and horse thieves must still be contended with, though. 

While I continued my off-road adventure, I came to this sign...

Finally a sign that made me feel better about myself. I dispose of oleander clippings at the correct landfill.

Here is a view approaching Owl Head Buttes. That's Picacho in the distance...

Here it is a little closer.

Now we close on the Owl Heads

On New Year's Eve, Eric and I hiked up Pima Canyon...same place Haley and I hiked at thanksgiving.  It was supposed to rain so we went fast in order to avoid getting caught by the weather.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Christmas 2014 - Dashing Through the Rain!

I will briefly relate the events surrounding Christmas of 2014. It was pretty stressful. Haley graduated BYU-I on Dec 19.  Felicia and I drove up to attend the ceremony. We stopped in St George for the night of Dec 16th and ate at the Three Bears Restaurant.

The roads were clear and all we experienced was rain on the way up. There was still leftover snow in Idaho Falls when we arrived. We had to stay in Idaho falls instead of Rexburg because we made reservations too late. The 'Sleep Inn' in Idaho Falls was great, as usual.
We met Eric for Indian food that night (Dec 17) and then went up to see Haley the next morning. On the 18th we had the Haley's car oil changed and the wheels aligned, helped her start packing the apartment, get her cap and gown, and pick up some a graduation blanket at the bookstore. She also had to work on a portfolio for her job interview in Salt Lake the following Monday.

Most of the next day was spent packing the truck and printing, correcting, and reprinting her portfolio. Here is how things looked in the back of the truck as it neared time for graduation. 

It was time for graduation commencement. Here is Haley with cap and gown in hand ready to leave for the ceremonies.

We walked in the cold rain to the BYUIC for the commencement. 

I took a picture of my old apartment when I went to school here.

Haley was in the gym used as a holding area when we arrived.

Waiting for the start
Graduates arrive.
Haley Walks!
 Haley with roommate Kayla
Haley with roommate Leah
The next day, Dec 20, we woke up to snowy weather. There were still two guitars, bedding, and more clothes to load the next Eric's stuff. It was snowing pretty well when we left.

We loaded and headed to Utah in the rain. We arrived in Brigham City and unloaded Haley's stuff at Grandma's house. We then continued to SLC because we wanted to look at an apartment Haley had picked out. We arrived just before they closed and discovered that they wanted proof you had a job and sufficient income to pay.  Haley had no job yet so that was a bust.  We went to see lights at temple square that night.
 Sister Missionary choir

We were really discouraged and questioning the plan Sunday morning. Haley was also ill.  Eric and I gave Haley a blessing. I did a search on Craig's list and found a girl asking for roommates in Sandy. It was not far from the tiny hotel room we had booked so we arranged to go over the next day after church and before our dinner appointment with Janet and her family.

Felicia and Haley went to see the apartment while Eric and I drove to Alpine in the rain to see the Grants. When Felicia and Haley arrived in Alpine later we learned the visit with Stephanie at the apartment went well.  We arranged for Haley and Leah to live there. 

The next day we went to eat lunch with Van and Chris' family while watching the first half of the Miami Beach Brawl.

We left at half-time for Haley's interview and drove there in the rain. It was downtown in SLC at a company called Experticity. We went to the mall and waited for her to finish. She said it went well.

We dropped Haley's car off at Janet's and drove home in the rain.  Here is the Colorado River.

Finally it was Christmas day in Tucson.

Kids will be kids.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Facing the Challenge of Life

Haley is moving to the next step in her life.  Right now, there is a lot of uncertainty, but I know God loves her and will bless her as she steps out into that challenge.

Below are the three famous quotes from Hillel the Elder, Sage of Jerulsalem:

1) "If I am not for myself, then who will be for me?" 
You are a child of God. You have a divine nature. Live with that knowledge and respect for yourself.
2) "And if I am only for myself, then what am I? "
To realize your divine potential, you must serve others. "When ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God." Mosiah 2:7
3) "And if not now, when?"
Do not procrastinate doing what is most important. Keep first things first and success is assured.


Sunday, December 7, 2014

Lights Up!

Friday night was our ward party. I was asked to play and sing 'Grandma Got run Over by Reindeer'.  I refused. I explained that I have a real aversion to that song and don't like to think of my Grandmother as a drunk.  I offered to do Feliz Navidad as a sing along instead.  It came off OK.

We went to this movie:
The story was pretty much the same as the documentary on Netflix called 'Hawking'.  He is remarkable in how long he has lived with ALS.

I was also able to get all the lights up.