Wednesday, December 31, 2014

New Year's Eve Hike

I tried to get Eric out on the motorcycle but he felt he was too rusty. I took a ride to Owl Head Buttes. I decided I would read the signs along the way and found out I was violating some of the stated rules.

When I came to the first gate I found this sign...

I wouldn't have made it far if I'd never opened the gate. It did give me a feeling of the old west to know that cattle rustlers and horse thieves must still be contended with, though. 

While I continued my off-road adventure, I came to this sign...

Finally a sign that made me feel better about myself. I dispose of oleander clippings at the correct landfill.

Here is a view approaching Owl Head Buttes. That's Picacho in the distance...

Here it is a little closer.

Now we close on the Owl Heads

On New Year's Eve, Eric and I hiked up Pima Canyon...same place Haley and I hiked at thanksgiving.  It was supposed to rain so we went fast in order to avoid getting caught by the weather.


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