Sunday, April 28, 2019

Adventures with Haley

Haley spoke in sacrament meeting on Easter Sunday, 4/21/19. Her roommates from college all came to see her and we enjoyed seeing them again.
Silly Picture

Nice Picture: Elise & baby, Kaitlin, Haley, Lea, Kayla, Brittany

Adding Parents
Haley invited the mother of her High School friend to come to hear her.
Patrice withe Haley
Haley gave an excellent talk on the Resurrection. It had a moving effect on Kelly's mom, who lost a daughter because of a drug overdose.

During the week we have been getting Haley situated with insurance, financial accounts, replacement Social Security cards, contacts and eyeglasses, etc.

On Friday, Haley and I went on the same Catalina State Park hike John went on when he was here.
After Climbing the Steep Hill

Ocatillo Blooming
Beautiful Brook
Crossing the Stream


The next day I wanted to take Haley on an off-road 4WD excursion. We started the trip and all was fine. We aired down the tires to 25psi.

Airing Down
We started up the hill.

Water Bar Hill
All was going well so I let Haley drive.

All of a sudden we went over a water bar and BONK! We hit bottom on a simple water bar. Then I noticed the tire pressure display has the left front tire lit up. I asked Haley what the pressure said for the tire. She said "Zero! How could it be zero, we just checked and they were all 25!"

I told her to go down the hill to the little draw and stop so we can see what is going on. The tire was flat as could be.
Sliced sidewall

I thought that maybe the bead had popped off the rim and we could air it back up. We got about 20 psi in the tire with the power pump but it wouldn't take anymore. We then discovered a slit in the sidewall. It took us a while to change the tire because it was the first time I had used the tools. Haley tightened up the nuts so she could learn.

The shop has a new tire on order.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Haley Returns

Haley returned from her mission on Wednesday afternoon. The flights didn't go as planned but she made it a few minutes before her scheduled release with President Broadbent.
Sister Reese back in Tucson from Las Vegas

At Baggage Claim

Haley did well on her mission and she followed the spirit. I was so pleased with her report to the High Council on Sunday.
Stake President's office

Gordon and John came by train to see Haley and visit us.
John with Wyatt and Doc at the train station
We went to the desert museum.

We visited the bat cave and John put on the ears.
 John dug for dinosaur bones
 Then, after getting first aide for two skinned knees, we went to pack rat playhouse.

On Saturday morning we went to the ward Easter party and then we hiked at Catalina State Park.
John negotiating the stream crossing

On the Canyon Loop trail

Live creature Display at Trail Head

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Utah's Arches and Monuments

After the funeral in Utah, we drove back to Arizona by way of Moab and Monument Valley. There are many scenic rock formations along that path. The first stop was Arches National Park near Moab. We did the quick 2 hr drive through.

La Sal Mountain Viewpoint

Felicia and Rock Formation

Sheep Rock...there was once an arch spanning between the 2 large rock on the left and Sheep Rock on the right

Balanced Rock
Arches in the background

Delicate Arch and Felicia...we didn't hike

Delicate Arch

Fire Canyon or something like that

Skyline Arch

Skyline Arch
Arches aplenty

Window Arches
Wilson Arch

Hiking to Wilson Arch

Made It!

Under Wilson Arch

Looking up from under Wilson Arch

Wilson Arch
Next along the way was Natural Bridges near Blanding. We didn't have time on the way hoe but I had stopped there on the way up.
Sipapu Bridge

Owachomo Bridge

Kachina Bridge
Goosenecks State park is a quick stop between Natural Bridges and Mexican Hat but first you must descend Moki Dugway.
Moki Dugway

Goosenecks State Park

Mexican Hat
We drove through Monument Valley

 We entered Arizona and drove past the Elephant Feet between Kayenta and Tuba City.
Elephant Feet
That was the end of sightseeing on our quick run back to Tucson. In Tucson the wildflowers are in bloom.