Sunday, November 25, 2018

Thanksgiving and Taking

We had Thanksgiving in San Antonio for the last time in Grandma's house and divided up Grandma's stuff between Kevin, Tammy, Felicia, and KB. We had 23 people for Thanksgiving dinner. Kevin had all of his kids and grand kids there. Tammy's girls and spouse (Scott) were also there. Gordon and his family was there. Eric and Krystal spent thanksgiving with her family but came over later for pie. 
John at the playground in New Braunfells

One of the Gene Harveys Felicia took

Krystal and Eric - Krystal is recovering from Bell's Palsy

In the house - Last Time

In front of the house

Felicia spent a lot of time getting ready for the dinner and dividing up goods while I spent time with Gordon entertaining John. We rented a Uhaul to bring Felicia's stuff back. Now we need to figure out where to put it.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Tucson Wash Truck

Saturday, I took my new truck off-roading with John C. and Brian M.  Brian has a Rubicon Hard Rock so he can go almost anywhere. We went to the Tucson Wash and surrounding area. Gordon and Haley might recognize  one of the spots is the old train trestle we went to once.


Brian brought his dog, Dodger

Dodger traveled really well on this trip

At work I had an interesting experience. We have a group of 3 women who were not getting along and each seemed to think the other was not providing the right support for the other to do her job. My deputy at work, Trevor, is also a member of the church. We called a meeting with the functional lead, Mike, over these women to iron responsibilities out.  We got into the room and he closed the door and said to me, “I know you are Mormon, and Trevor, I think you are too. Can we say a prayer before this meeting?”

Trevor then said, “Actually, Mormon is a nick name. The real name is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We are simply making an effort to make sure everyone calls us by the correct name.” Mike was apologetic and then proceeded to say a nice prayer that we would be able to help these women know their responsibility. I’m glad that an evangelical recognized we would be comfortable praying with him.

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Mystery House

This past week I had to go to Pocatello to pick something up and deliver it to San Jose, CA. I flew to SLC and drove up to Pocatello and back then flew to San Jose. I included a few pictures you might recognize: The Road to from Pocatello to Malad, Peach City Drive-In, and a Temple. 

While in San Jose, I was able to briefly visit the Winchester Mystery House. It was the house of the owner of the Winchester firearms company. His company invented the Winchester Lever-action Repeating Rifle. His wife was haunted by the ghosts of people killed by the rifle and so continued to build on to her house so the ghosts would have somewhere to go. It is an interesting place to visit and since it was Halloween it was all decorated up.
Rental in San Jose
Winchester House parking lot

Green Screen Picture taking area (add a ghost to your family)

Courtyard near shooting gallery


Fruit Drying Shed

Dried out workers

Stable building

Winchester Firearm Museum

Hits like Thor's Hammer

Commemorative Rifles 


Frankenstein was walking around the gift shop

Scale model of Winchester House in SJC airport