Sunday, June 25, 2017

Kevin Visit in Hot 2017

Felicia's brother, Kevin, came to visit on the hottest days I've experienced in Tucson since we arrived in 1999. He went to see the Tucson Temple Open House with Felicia.  While here we did a few other things.

We escaped to Bisbee where temperatures were cooler and went on the Queen Mine tour.

We all thought the mine tour was fun and informative.
Some college girls asked Kevin to take a picture by the Copper Man in the street
We took a quick run to the border at Naco for a picture of the wall.

We stopped by Tombstone briefly for some pictures and ice cream. It was 112 degrees.

The next day we visited the Titan Missile Museum. That facility is still in great shape and very well preserved. I was really Impressed with the engineering involved.
Titan Missile Control Room
Walking to the silo
Titan Missile
Nearing the blast doors
View of the missile from the blast doors
Security is coming
Felicia and Kevin

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Home Equipment Failures

We had a few problems with the home that needed attention this week.

1) The tree removal had left 4 tiles on the roof broken. I repaired them with clear Flex Seal "As seen on TV".
Can you see the repaired tiles?
2) The Maytag dishwasher finally quit working for good. We replaced it with a GE.
New GE Dishwasher with a real handle
3) The pool pump died. We are still waiting for the replacement to arrive.
Where the pump used to be.
The tree guys also did something to the speed limit sign but I don't know what to do about repairing that.

Christie ate all the quail eggs in the potted plant.
Where the quail eggs used to be

We each put in 4 hrs helping with the Temple Open House tours this week. There are a lot of people going through.

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Open House

We attended the Tucson Temple Open house with several of Felicia's tennis friends this week. It was an enjoyable experience and the ladies were impressed. They were less impressed with the protestor on the road after we were leaving in the bus. They said, "Some people don't have enough to do."

Here are some pictures:
Baptismal Font

Stained Glass with cactus flower theme

Celestial Room
Here are the final AZBDR episodes

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Enough Pepper

The big news this week was the removal of our 23 year-old California Pepper Trees. They were a landmark in the neighborhood ad provided shade to our house and the children at the bus stop. We will miss the shade but they were damaging our house with their roots.

How it was

During the take-down (stumps left)

Stumps Gone - Drip system fix in process
The temple open house starts this week. We are going through on Tue with Felicia's Tennis friends.

I am working as an usher on the 15th and a parking attendant on the 24th.

Here are the next 2 videos from my AZBDR trip.

AZBDR Day 3 - Young to Mormon Lake
AZBDR Day 4 - Mormon Lake to Cameron