Sunday, June 19, 2016

Happy Father

We have our car back with a new bumper.

Not our car but it looks the same
We learned its hard to match paint that has crystalline properties that look different depending on the direction of light. At least there are no dents, dings, or scratches anymore.

I enjoyed hearing from everyone on Father's Day. The Polleys had their farewell at church and the fathers all got cookies.

Janet and Terry are in St Maartens so I will need to keep closer tabs on Mom. She called and said that things at her assisted living center are not that exciting.

I took a ride this weekend down the wash that I took Gordon, John, and Haley on in the truck just so I could get my confidence back that I can ride in sand. All is good.

Happy Father
P.S. The cactus are blooming. This guy is in front of our house.


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