Sunday, September 27, 2015

Goose Egg

The game this week was a big disappointment. Especially since I spent all morning watching it.

The question now is, can BYU recover by the time they play Missouri?

I was glad to see Eric and Krystal are licensed except that instead of being from AZ and TX, they are both from ID.

Haley and her friend tried to make it to LDS Women's Conference but they were turned away for wearing shorts and then ran into some crazy-tall men in Chef's hats who told here that her mission in life is to serve man.

Johnny is getting closer to talking. He does really well for having a mouth full of grapes

I gave the lesson on Acts 21-28 in Gospel Doctrine today. Paul was an amazing person who managed to travel over nearly the entire Roman Empire during his lifetime. I discussed his captive journey from Jerusalem to Rome to see Nero, including his shipwreck on Malta. He was in his 60's at this time. He had the courage to bear his testimony anytime anywhere. Clement, Cyril, and Chrysostom all write that Paul continued his mission journey beyond what Luke recorded in Acts and that he went to Spain between 65 AD and 67 AD as promised in Romans 15:28. He returned to Rome in 67 AD and was martyred.

While Felicia was at Woman's Conference, I went to the San Pedro River crossing as part of my efforts to scope out the Arizona Backcountry Discovery Trail (AZBDR). 
Heading down to the San Pedro River bottom
I found the crossing to have mud 1 foot deep.
Happily, there is a bypass on the right

Sunday, September 20, 2015

This is Life

Life changing events are nearing for our family. Gordon and Alison will soon be deciding about a new place to live.

Eric has moved to an unfurnished apartment, started his internship, and will soon be marrying Krystal.

Haley is preparing for her big trip.

All of this causes parents to worry and pray. So far things are going OK. We pray it continues that way.

I left my truck door unlocked last week and someone stole my MP3 player out of the car. Maybe they thought they were going to get some great music. Instead they got Hugh Nibley's 'The World and The Prophets'

and the free download from Librivox of Gibbon's 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Vol. 1'

That will teach them!

We decided to relax by going to a movie Friday night. It wasn't very relaxing.

...bring Kleenex if you go.

We also watched BYU play UCLA Saturday night.

...needed Kleenex for that too.

We had a Priesthood lesson covering President Benson's teaching on Pride. I have a theory that BYU Football can not be allowed to be too successful or they will become too prideful. The Lord will allow a few miracle wins to generate interest but as soon as the team becomes too prideful, a humbling loss will come.

This is Life

Monday, September 7, 2015

Labor Day 2015

Labor Day is a holiday with the purpose of giving people who work a day off. What better reason for a holiday could there be.

After crashing my motorcycle last weekend, I had to repair my motorcycle this past weekend. i replaced a mirror and a battery and had to sure up my footpeg with bailing wire. The welds broke on the footpeg mount.
This is where the truck left the road last time I rode.

Bailing wire footpeg repair

Another view
Felicia played tennis and I went riding Labor Day morning. I was 1/2 inch away from running over this guy on the trail.

You can see with this view why i didn't see him initially.
It was very green on the trail.
That is Saddle Brook in the background

We stopped at Molina Canyon Vista

There was water in Molina Creek

A nice pool

What is this...a teapot?
Random weird plant.
We went to Summerhaven but it was too busy. Could not find a parking spot. We next stopped at Hoodoo Vista. 

We went home and trimmed the trees (I'm not referring to Christmas trees).