Sunday, August 30, 2015

Freedom's Roots

I was in Boston last week for business. I'd like to go back with Felicia some day when we may have more time. We briefly visited the Freedom Trail beginning. It is marked by parallel brick lines in the walkway.
Freedom Trail close up

Trail passes Union Oyster House

It begins at Fanueil Hall
The Freedom Trail starts at Fanueil Hall where Sam Adams spoke. It is now a market place and a visitor center. Fanueil Hall has a grasshopper weather vane.
Gilded Grasshopper

We walked down to the famous 'Mikes Pastry' shop for cannolis. It was crowded with multiple lines extending out the door. When you get to the front the server gives you 3 seconds to announce your order. If you are undecided she yells 'Next!' and looks at the guy behind you and you are sent to the back of the line.
The crowd studied the cannoli flavors on the wall

Every order goes in a box and is tied up with a string.
My co-workers on the street between shops
There was a town square where these street performers in Boston Strong t-shirts would grab people from the audience and line them up based on how much they paid them and would jump over them.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Krystal in the Desert

Eric and Krystal came to visit this weekend. We did the usual introduction to the Sonora Desert with a trip to the Desert Museum.

The monsoon storm stayed just out of reach making the evening pleasant. We visited the humming birds...

...saw the guard ducks...

...and Krystal was a good sport and crawled into the tortoise shell.

Eric insisted that a picture with bat ears be taken.

Of course there had to be a trip through the cave.

The view was a great backdrop for a selfie.

There's nothing like an Arizona sunset.

We are very happy about welcoming Krystal into the family.

Early that Saturday morning, I attempted to go for a quick ride up to Mt Lemmon. I came around a corner not far from Peppersauce campground and was stopped by 5 bowhunters in trucks and ATVs  telling me I couldn't go any further because there had been an accident. They said a black pickup truck had run off the road. There were multiple rescue vehicles and men stringing rope down to the bottom of the canyon.

I decided to go back to Peppersauce Canyon and ride up the Rice Peak trail a ways. After a few miles I found the trail had huge washouts from the monsoon rains so I turned around. This trail is very rocky.

As I was coming down the trail I rolled over a large flat rock with the front tire. The rock tipped up on end and caught the underside of my bike lifting it completely off the ground and tossing it to the side. I was completely surprised and went to the ground. I was prepared with body armor so I only experienced a few minor scratches and a broken mirror.

Sometimes in life we are surprised by negative events such as illness, injury, loss of a loved one, loss of a job, or disappointing behavior of others. Being equipped with the armor of God, a testimony of God's plan for us, will protect us from devastating spiritual injury.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Chip Off the Old Block

I started assembling things for my personal history and pulled up these old family slides Janet had scanned in just before Dad passed away. I noticed similarities between my toddler pictures and my grandson's pictures.

Bryan at 18 mo
John at 18 mo
Bryan with hat at 18 mo
John with hat at 18 mo
Bryan with water container and sun at 18 mo

John with water container and sun at 18 mo

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Birthday and baby in San Antonio

We went to San Antonio to celebrate Felicia's birthday with Felicia's mom, Tammy, and Rebecca. Kevin was out of town.

Go go Grandpa?
We loaded the car.
Go go!
Becca and her boyfriend brought lunch home to us when we arrived. Some very good burgers.

We visited the San Antonio Botanical Gardens.


In the Rain Forest

Paloma Blanca for lunch

Guacamole mixed at the table
Felicia's Birthday
Preparing the cake
Happy Birthday, Felicia!
Nothing Bundt Flames
John has a great cowboy hat.
Where is my hat?
You have my hat?
Fits just right

Now I'll remove my hat for lunch.

Let's eat-eat!
I can't eat with a binkie in my mouth!

Let's try a spoonful

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Cranberries are sour!
Finally...The groundbreaking of our Tucson Temple was announced!