Saturday, May 30, 2015

Alpine Adventures, #1

We saw Janet and Terry and their family off on their trip to Spain. They are flying out of Las Vegas because the fare is lower. We are staying at their Alpine house...
 With CoCo...
 And my Mom.

Eric and Haley came down so we drove up the Alpine loop and went on a family adventure hike to Stewart Falls. Here we are at the start...
On our way!
 Lots of dogs on the trail...but we never saw any poop.

The falls are in view. 
This young lady volunteered to take a picture of Eric and Haley...
While Felicia and I struggled down the rocks.
After 2 miles we had a great view.
It was very busy at the bottom.
The siblings
Ready to go home.
We were saddened to find out after the hike that McKenna was in the hospital. We are all concerned and will keep her in our prayers.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Hohokum Spiral

Saturday, the Crosby Family moved out of the Crawford's house that they were renting and into the Andrew's house that they had bought. The Andrews had moved to live at their place of business. It took about 2 hrs to move.

After the move, I had a ride/hike planned to find some petroglyphs dating from 1000 AD.

I saw reference to Hohokum petroglyphs in the Southerland Wash/Baby Jesus Trail area. Using Google Earth, I was able to get their approximate location. It looked like there was an easy 2WD road near private homes that would take one very close. Unfortunately it was posted as NO TRESPASSING. The alternate way I went starts as a 2WD road then becomes a 4WD trail with some deep sand, then finally a hiking trail.

I parked my bike here.
This is the start of the hiking trail.
I found the first petroglyphs after less than 1 mile.
Many petroglypghs were all over this area. I found a fraction of them. I like this spiral.
Here's a target glyph
And a snake.
Many mountain goats depicted here
This sunburst has faded.
Here is an interesting animal

This area was a hot spot for petroglyphs
It was interesting to see how erosion shaped some of the rocks.
Eric seams to have a girlfriend now, although he is reluctant to call her that.  He is applying for jobs, but no interviews yet. 

Haley celebrated another birthday. She went to Lagoon with friends. She wanted a GoPro as a gift.

Gordon is still looking for more interesting opportunities and Alison and John are doing well.

We are heading to Utah at the end of this week to see my Mom and Eric and Haley.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015


The pool has been growing algae lately in spite of the chlorine levels. That means that there is too much stabilizer in the pool and it needs drained and refilled. That is the only way to get rid of exess Cyanuric acid.

I tried to take a picture of the the new refrigerator but it doesn't photograph well.
I met a Gila Monster on the trail.
I chased him around.
His coloring is pixelated. Each scaly bump is either black or pinkish-yellow Each monster has a unique pattern.
I only see these guys if it is cloudy or it has rained.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

All things are possible to him that believeth

We had a returned missionary speaking together with the High Councilor today. The young man's name was Nymeyer. He said when he returned from his mission, he did not know what to do with himself, what path to take for his future. He said to his bishop,"Bishop, life is hard. I don't know if you know that or not".  The bishop told him to work hard and be believing all would work out.

In Sunday School we studied the father who had a convulsive, spasmodic boy who would throw himself into the water and the fire and generally thrashed about uncontrollably. The father came to have his son healed by the Savior saying, “If thou canst do any thing, have compassion on us, and help us.”

“Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.

“And straightway the father of the child cried out, and said with tears, Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief.”

We also studied the parable of the unjust judge who was continually petitioned by a widow for help and finally granted it because he was tired of her troubling him. The Lord teaches that if an unjust judge will grant the pleading of a persistant widow, how much more will our Father in Heaven grant according with our persistent pleadings.

Elder Scott says, "Often He withholds an answer, not for lack of concern, but because He loves us—perfectly. He wants us to apply truths He has given us. For us to grow, we need to trust our ability to make correct decisions. We need to do what we feel is right. In time, He will answer. He will not fail us”

So as Eric and Gordon seek employment opportunities, let us all be persistent and faithful in our prayers.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Mother's Day 2015

This what Felicia's Mother's Day netted her.

Flowers from Bryan

Fruit from Gordon and Alison

Essential Oil boiler from Haley

Some shout-outs on Facebook from Eric and Haley

And this from her diligent saving effort.

For all the Mother's (and Father's) worrying about their children, let us do our small part to help.

The Prodigal by Sally Deford

Somewhere a mother waits
Somewhere a father prays
Somewhere a faithful friend entreats the Lord
For a miracle

Somewhere a daughter wanders
Somewhere a son has strayed
Somewhere the fire of faith is cold
Someone doubts and turns away

If my hands are willing
If my heart is warm
The Lord can use these simple tools
for the miracles He performs
And as He seeks the straying
down the years, across the miles
He can make of me a miracle
for someone’s wandering child

Somewhere someone wonders
Is there a homeward road?
Somewhere a wayward lamb is lost
Who seeks the shelter of the fold

Lord, my heart is willing
Make my hands thine own
Use these simple tools
to turn the prodigal for home
Oh Lord who seeks the straying
down the years, across the miles
Make of me a miracle
for someone’s wandering child

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Felicia Goes 4-Wheeling

Felicia finally agreed to go on an off-road adventure. We took the Ridgeline up Cochie Springs Trail in Catalina. This is where I took Eric on a geocaching motorcycle ride. We decided to take the dogs. Not sure that was a great idea.
Lots of drool on the window and hair everywhere.
The dogs made lot of noise whenever we came upon cattle.
There was a hawk perched in the tree below. We came upon it twice. Both times it flew just as I pointed the camera. If you look closely you can see it in this image.
We arrived at the petroglyph site. It takes a lot longer to get there in the truck than on a motorcycle.
She is not really excited about this.
The petroglyphs are on the other side of this rock formation.
Here are the petroglyphs.
A closer view.

Kirby was obsessed with eating the clumps of grass.

Back to the truck.
Felicia wants to go home.
We  drove to the top of the hill.
Nice view. We only bottomed out once.
Heading back down.