Sunday, February 22, 2015


I wanted to revisit Picacho peak since I hadn't hiked it in 10 years. I discovered my joints aren't what they used to be. The hike was harder than I remembered. Picacho has a a distinct look and can be seen from miles away.

The trail I took was the Hunter trail.
This trail is the most direct (2 miles) and most difficult. The Sunset Trail is 1 mile longer but less steep at the beginning. They both end with the same set of cable climbs, though.

The hillside was very green and there were lots of wild flowers

I started the hike with this guy in the sleeveless shirt. I've heard these shirts called 'wife beaters'.

 The trail is mildly steep at the beginning.

Then you come to the first set of cables. This turns out to be a mild warm up for the intense climbs to come. The kids in this photo were a group from Nogales High School.
Here is a view back towards the parking lot and the mountain on the other side of the highway. 
 Wife beater guy comes to a cable climb.

Here are a few trail photos
 I could see a group above may taking a break at the grotto.
 I found a bunch of LDS people stopped at the grotto.
 Here are the Nogales kids climbing up.
 View from the grotto.
View of a grotto.

Here is a group heading for the saddle.

Here they are at the saddle.
 From the saddle, you must descend part way down the other side using cables to get around a rock ridge.
Parts of the backside have a very seep drop to the valley below.
 I guess the proper term is 'cliff'.
This was an LDS scout troop ahead of me. I don't know where the lady came from. She seemed to appear out of nowhere. 
 Here is one of the scouts climbing along one of the shear walls.
 More cabled climbing areas. These areas were congested on my way down.

The Sunset trail and Hunter trails join here.

Here is the two handed cable climb everyone remembers.

 View of the last cabled area before the top.

On the last cabled section before the peak.

 Wife beater guy is coming up behind me.
Here is the second saddle

 At the top

Trail views on the way back to the car.

Felicia and I went out to the Harvest Restaurant for dinner. This is there Neopolitan Lasagne.  It was colorful and good

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Gold or Fankincense and Myrrh

Haley had to make a decision this week between working for a Gold Mining company or an Essential Oil company. She chose oil.

Unfortunately, she will have a long commute, but I guess we'll all get to learn about aromatherapy. She starts wearing out her car on Monday, 2/9.

Felicia had some abdominal pain last week the was bad enough we were worried about appendicitis. She stayed home from church then texted me that she was still in pain. I left church early to take her to urgent care and was in such a state leaving the church parking lot that I bumped another car with my truck wheel (I left a note with my insurance info). An X-ray revealed her to have constipation. Senokot was the cure.

We are interested to hear about Eric's upcoming trip to meet a girls parents on Valentine's weekend in Las Vegas.

All is well here now. Happy 30th Birthday to our wonderful daughter-in-law, Alison!