Sunday, October 19, 2014

Horror Shows

Felicia went to Salt Lake this week to have a little reunion with her family.  Her Mom, Sister, and her Brothers were all there at her Aunt Patty's house. A few others were also in the area.

Haley and Eric convinced Felicia to go to this Rock Opera horror show called "Deep Love". I have no idea what it is about but it originated in Rexburg, ID.

Meanwhile, in Tucson, our stake held an emergency communication drill on Saturday morning.  The message on the voicemail was left a little past 8AM but I was already out on the trail practicing for world pandemic and economic collapse. My home teaching families did not get warned.

I came across this abandoned vehicle. It had gun racks but the guns were missing. There was a big jug of water nearby. Mysterious.
Then I saw an invasion of jeeps coming my way.

I forgot to mention that Johnny started to crawl last week.

We are preparing for another bluegrass band effort at the Stake BBQ.  This is a little less organized than last year so I fear disaster.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Seers and Temples

Last week was the 184th General Conference of the church.  There were a lot of good messages. The overall theme, to me, seemed to be that we should seek revelation to guide our personal lives.

Elder Cook sad we should not be distracted by things that are good to do, at the expense of doing what is best.

“Our daily conduct and choices should be consistent with our goals,” he declared.

Elder Oaks had an interesting message for our times as traditional marriage is being abandoned across the country.

“Where vital, our side of these differences should not be denied or abandoned, but followers of Christ should learn to live peacefully with others who do not share their values or accept the teachings upon which they are based.”

No new temples were announced because the church is trying to catch up with the ones already announced. We are still waiting for confirmation of the location of the temple in Tucson.

Speaking of temples, I found this documentary on the location of the temple in Jerusalem to be fascinating.

I added something to my truck this week to help when moving Haley and Eric back home.

Haley has been working to find a job this week and found some nibbles. She also had a reunion with former La Canada Ward members.

Eric managed to get his tuition paid and is working as a ghoul.