Sunday, September 7, 2014

Garage Party

The much anticipated gathering to clean the garage took place. Below is the great orange R that Dad had made for our reunions. This picture will be all that remains of it.

We filled the truck 3 times for trips to the dump.
 Van w/Mom in the background

 After working we went to the Peach Days parade
 The tank took aim at us.
 Police quad

 Old bees
 Cap'n Jack

 The BEHS marching band played the BYU Cougar fight song for some reason. We enjoyed rising and shouting.


 High School Musical

 Flash talks to McKenna
 It was a bigger candy day than Halloween for some.

 The flying carpets were fast

 OK...this was weird. Remember when...
 ...all we ate..
 ..was meat!

 Disney princesses?
 Meat! It's what's for dinner


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