Sunday, November 15, 2020

Hope and Healing

 I just saw that Pres Nelson is going to broadcast a special message of hope and healing on Nov. 20th. I have felt inspired throughout this election season, as I have prayed about it, that whatever the final outcome, it will be the will of the Lord in order to further his kingdom and purpose. I don't think furthering of the Lord's purpose will be the result of any one politician's deeds, but broader circumstances surrounding the situation. 

I encourage everyone to tune in to the prophet's message. I know the Church is true. We can come together as a family by making common cause with the eternal truths of the gospel. That will be how we achieve true unity and healing (not from either political party). I thank our Heavenly Father for a prophet.

Election News

There have been a lot of oddities about this election. We have never had such a high percentage of the vote through mail-in ballots. Mail-in ballots present all kinds of opportunities for fraud because blank ballots are sent to people who have moved and people who have died. Once a mail-in ballot is turned in, the chain of custody has many players; postal workers, mail thieves, poll workers, and election officials.

Blocking Poll Watchers from viewing Vote Counting in Detroit

Many statistical irregularities exist. Republicans down the ballot over performed while the top of the ticket did not. Joe Biden had little enthusiasm during his feeble campaign, under performed among minorities, but somehow managed to get more total votes than Barack Obama ever did. He underperformed Hillary Clinton every where but a few large cities in swing states where he overperformed to such an extent that he received more total votes than Hillary Clinton. Turn out is usually around 70% but in WI it was an incredible 90%. These are some of the reasons that we should allow full manual audits of the results so that the American people can feel confident in the final result and so we can shut down shenanigans in future elections. I expect Biden to be declared the winner despite his corruption in selling influence to foreign governments.


On the COVID-19 front, we are experiencing another wave.

Daily Cases

Fortunately the deaths are remaining low.

Daily Deaths