Sunday, September 20, 2020

Colorado 2020

 I was planning on my annual BDR trip through Colorado but Russ had back problems and Rick didn't feel right about going this year. I tried to arrange going with another group. It was looking good with correspondence with one of the participants, Tim, but then the leader of the group, Jack, sent me a note sayin he doesn't ride with Trump supporters. Tim called later and said he himself was a Trump supporter. I told him I wouldn't tell on him. 

With no one to ride with, I asked Felicia if she would go to Colorado in the truck. She said she would so we planned a Colorado vacation doing stuff I wanted to do and stuff she wanted to do.

We drove through the reservation past Chimney Rock

We stayed at the Retro Inn in Cortez, CO the first night

We were in the 1977 disco room. This was the year I left on my mission.
Mesa Verde entrance

Tower House

Pit House

Castle House

More Cliff Dwellings ... Hopi Pueblos lived here until moving South

After Cortez we drove to Durango.

Motorcyclists at our Durango hotel
We ate at T's

Raptor Store Front in Durango

White Falcon

Walking in Downtown Durango

The next day we scheduled a train ride  on the Durango-Silverton line. Because of COVID-19 they can only run half capacity and; therefore, can't afford to run the full length of the trip so they had us get on in Rockwood and run the Cascade Canyon part of the trip. This is the most scenic part anyway so I wasn't disappointed.
There was an option for a steam engine...

.. or a diesel engine.

We chose the diesel because I still have memories of riding this train as a child and needing to close my eyes because of the coal cinders from the steam boiler. Imagine riding through beautiful country and not being able to open your eyes. The diesel had none of these issues.


Reindeer for winter

All aboard

After the train we went to the Bar D Chuckwagon to eat BBQ and be entertained. I first went to the Bar D 50 years ago and really enjoyed it.

Our seats were in the back because we weren't with a group.

The Stage

Take off your hat

Thank you

The next day we drove to Telluride via Bolam Pass Rd going from Purgatory to Rico. Here is the Bolam Pass video link.

We arrived at Telluride before check in time so we drove up to Bridal Veil Falls.
Bridal Veil Falls with Telluride Power Plant on top

Telluride Downtown

Sunset on the Mountain

Dinner from Brown Dog

Our hotel was a prefab condo box called the Mountainside Inn. It was the cheapest place in town at $200 per night. Parking in Telluride is difficult so it was nice that our place came with parking even if it was a circuitous route to get there.

We were up early the next morning to drive through the snooty cabin village of  Ophir and over Ophir Pass. Here is the video link for Ophir.

After crossing the pass we went to Silverton and then to Ouray.

Looking down from the Ophir Pass sign

At the exit of Ophir Pass

Airing back up

Entering Silverton

Silverton Train Depot

Silverton Visitor Center

Entering Ouray

Really nice pool and park in Ouray

Ouray Park

Picnic at Ouray

Box Canyon Falls in Ouray

We finally drove back around to Telluride via Last Dollar Road and took the Gondola Ride up to Mountain Village for Dinner.

Mountain Bikers waiting for the Gondola to take them back to the top

Going up on the Gondola

Waiting for our food at Mountain Village