Saturday, August 15, 2020

Trip to Prescott

 Well we have been in the COVID-19 nightmare for 5 months. I think we have now had enough of the population get exposed in AZ that we can resume mostly normal living.

Unfortunately, the Governor of AZ still wants gyms to be closed. This extreme caution among healthy people is senseless. The data is becoming more and more clear that Sweden's approach was the winning approach in the world. Norway's health official now believes they should have followed the same approach as Sweden. Looking at the annual number of deaths for Nordic countries, there is almost no difference this year vs the previous 3 years.

Annual Deaths for Nordic Countries (all causes)

Eric has been doing well in his recovery, but we don't hear from him and Krystal as much as we'd like.

Gordon and Alison are preparing for another school year but this will be very different. Tommy will be fine but John will need to do online learning. We are worried about how that will work with a 6 year old. Alison is interviewing for new teaching jobs currently.

Haley has settled in to her new job and is taking classes to prepare for a Social Work career.

Felicia and I took a weekend trip to Prescott to celebrate her birthday. We started with a Verde Canyon Railroad ride.

Verde Canyon Railroad

Getting Treat at Caboose Bakery in Clarkville
Verde River

Out in the Open Viewing Car

Video of Train Ride:

Video of Verde Canyon Railroad

After spending the night in Prescott, we went for a Kayak ride on Watson Lake.

Video of Kayaking at Watson Lake

Next we got an e-bike for Felicia.

Test Riding her Townie