Friday, July 17, 2020

Eric in the Hospital 2020

First off, we have had an insane period of time sparked by the death of a black man, George Floyd, who was on drugs when arrested and resisted arrest. The police appeared to use excessive force when holding him down while he was screaming he couldn't breath. He died as a result. Riots resulted all across America led by ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter organizations. At the same time, and possibly partly as a result of the riots, cases of COVID-19 spiked. Thankfully their appears to be a decline this week in Arizona.

While all of this was going on, Eric went for a walk with Koda, his dog, and collapsed for lack of oxygen. He scraped his elbow and knee in the fall. When he came to, he tried to walk back home and collapsed again just as he reached the edge of his front yard. Krystal came out and found him and got him in the car and off to the hospital in Jackson, MS. The problem was, as suspected, pulmonary embolism or blood clots in his lungs. This was the second time he was being hospitalized with this.

Eric with Blood Thinner Drip (Heplin)
Even though COVID-19 was going on, the hospital listened to Eric and didn't suspect the disease but immediately began treatment with blood thinners. Felicia and I got on a plane and flew to Jackson to help out.
In DFW Airport during the Pandemic
Eric had 2 surgeries, one to install a filter in his veins to keep blood clots found in his legs from going up to his lungs and one to then clean out the blood clots in his leg. The clots in the lungs could not be gotten by surgery and required time with the blood thinner to break them up.

Water Tower not far from Baptist Medical Center Hospital -- also our rental car
Middle School we drove by going from Hotel to Hospital
I took Felicia to see the Medgar Evers home but she was very afraid of the sketchy area we were in.
Medgar Evers home where he was gunned down on the front porch.

Megdar Evers was a civil rights activist and a leader in the NAACP. He was murdered by a white man,  Byron De La Beckwith, hiding with a rifle in the bushes across from the house in 1963. De la Beckwith was obviously guilty but a white jury acquitted him twice. Finally 30 years later he was convicted and died in prison at 80 yrs old after serving just 2 years .

Felicia and I walked in the Flowood Nature Park one morning. It was near our hotel.
The start of the nature trail at Flowood

Felicia on a bridge

There were many Loblolly Pine Trees
Turtles in the pond
Eric was finally released from the hospital on Saturday.
Eric and Krystal leave the Hospital in Jackson on July 4
Independence Day
Koda was also happy to be home
Too many on the couch
Eric Relaxing
Eric and Krystal at home again

When we got back to Tucson, we tried to attend the drive-in theater but a monsoon storm came.
Storm during Jurassic Park
Lot's of wind and dust.

The sound went out and we had to abandon the drive-in theater.