Sunday, June 16, 2019

Baby Jesus Trail Petroglyphs

Haley and I had an adventure. We took the Tacoma down a rough trail I had been on with my motorcycle and we began hiking to try to find the petroglyphs of the Baby Jesus Trail (I don't know where the trail got it's name).

Bird's eye view of our adventure. It was 2.25 miles one way.
Parking Place

On the sunny ridge trail

It was getting hot and we agreed to continue 10 more minutes. If we didn't find the glyphs we'd turn around.

Just as we were ready to turn around, we saw the sign that we had arrived at the area
Then we saw the snake, lizard, and spoke wheel pictures

Another rock that was densely decorated

This rock had the Sunburst Petroglyph

A goat

Some stick figures

Happy for our discovery, we turn back home.

Sunday, June 2, 2019

Little Anthony Car Show

We drove to the very top of Mt. Lemmon  on Memorial Day to hike the Meadow Trail and loop back on the Mt Lemmon Trail.

Tree Huggers

Near the Lookout Station

Later we went to Little Anthony's Diner. A car show was going on.

Beverly Hillbillies Truck
Ma and Pa Dance