Sunday, May 26, 2019

Haley Birthday and Kirby's Span of Life

Haley had another birthday this week. She is now 28.
New Teddy watches Bday girl

Haley got presents

We went hiking. The first hike was Pima Canyon Trail.

Nice views of the temple from the trail

A little water at the dam

Another Temple view

Then we went to Catalina State Park to see some old Hohokum ruins.

An Old Saguaro

Wall remnants

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Wall built in 1150

Romero's Wall from 1850

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Layout of Hohokum compound

View from on top of their garbage mound


Here are a few pictures of Kirby from his last day.

The Span of Life 
by Robert Frost
The old dog barks backward without getting up;
I can remember when he was a pup.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Siblings in New England - May 2019, Concord and rest of trip

Day 2
We first went to the Boston Temple.
Boston Temple

After playing games with the GPS we were able to find the Lexington-Concord battleground
This tavern played a role during the battle 
Monument at the Bloody Angle where colonists were able to inflict casualties on fleeing British
Louisa May Alcott house sign
Little Women House
Ralph Waldo Emerson House
North Bridge - Concord, MA
Minuteman Statue at North Bridge
Emerson Inscription
Monument to fallen British at North Bridge
Emerson's Concord Hymn

Rest of Trip: Here is a link to videos chronicling the rest of the trip:
New England Sibling Trip Videos

While we were gone, Kirby got sick and Haley helped keep him alive until we returned. We learned that he had cancer so we had him put down.
Kirby and Nicky can be reunited again
From Felicia:
Our sweet Kirby the beagle came into our lives in December of 2006. Dad referred to him as the "worst Christmas present ever." He and Nicky were best buddies and would run with a shared toy in their mouths. Sadly Nicky died when Kirby was about 18 months old. Kirby was a regular on the dog walking route in Copper Creek. He didn't care for other dogs so I'd cross the street to the other side to avoid them. He was a loud howler arooo! He would guard the backyard as well.
Kirby had many talents such as bread stealing from the kitchen counter, kleenex shredding, and knocking over small trash cans even when they were empty. He was always affectionate with family and a good natured dog. He could sniff out food anyplace! Visitors would have their luggage searched. He was shy but put up a fierce front when strangers came around. In time we adopted Christie as a companion for Kirby. They got along but Christie was food aggressive towards Kirby and she'd nip him on the lip or ear, drawing blood. Kirby never fought back but made a lot of noise in protest. However they mostly coexisted peacefully. Kirby learned to accept John even though he was uncomfortable with children. He had been teased by punk kids who'd be at the school bus stop on the corner near our house. So small kids were not to be trusted but John usually had food so Kirby was ok. Kirby began to have mobility issues in his back legs in the last 8 months. He walked slowly. Haley returned from her mission and was going to care for both dogs after a short weekend trip while we were off on a road trip back east. She picked them up from the kennel and Kirby was very ill. She cared for him all week and he had a seizure on Sunday as we were driving home from the airport. Next day we took him to the vet and it was confirmed he had cancer. We made the difficult decision to have him put to sleep at home to spare him the stress of the vet's office. He passed on May 17, 2019 at the age of 13 years and 7 months. He will be sorely missed.

Siblings in New England - May 2019 - Boston

My brother-in-law, Kevin James, planned an arranged a trip to see sites in New England. Haley had left for Las Vegas to go through the Temple with a man she helped find the church so we put the dogs in the kennel.

Day 1 - Boston
We stayed at the Embassy Suites near the airport and took the subway to the Freedom Trail

Kevin and Kim learning about the subway
First stop was Boston Commons. There were a couple of folks dressed up to lead tours. 

I told them that we needed to get a picture with the "Make Way for Ducklings" statue.
Make Way for Ducklings
Then we started making our way back to the trail.
General George Washington
Swan boats at Boston Public Gardens
Felicia, Tammy, Kevin, Kim at Boston Commons War Memorial
War Memorial
Frog Pond
Colonel Robert Shaw of the regiment depicted in the movie "Glory"
We next visited the Granary Burial Grounds

Samuel Adams grave stone
Boston Massacre victims 
Marker erected by Ben Franklin for his parents
John Hancock
Paul Revere
Bathroom break and rolls at Parker House
Ben Franklin statue
Old South Church meeting house. Several rebel colonist meetings occurred here.
Old State House, Site of the Boston Massacre
Old State House
Felicia and Kim standing at the Boston Massacre site
Samuel Adams statue in front of Faneuil Hall undergoing upkeep
Heading to Quincy Market
Paul Revere's House
We all went together to Paul Revere's house but then Felicia and I had arranged to go on a harbor cruise so we split to go to the harbor.
Clock Tower
Long Wharf cruise ships
On Board
Irish Tour Guide
Boston Harbor Fort
USS Constitution in dock
Old North Church steeple, one if by land, two if by sea
Harvard Gate
Mr. Harvard