Sunday, June 17, 2018

Stake Choir

Felicia and I participated in Stake Choir again. It is inspiring to sing great arrangements of the hymns. This time we sang a version of 'Let Us All Press On' sung by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.
Let Us All Press ON

The weekend before this I took a ride to see where Silverbell Rd leads. It turns out to be a loop around the Silverbell Mine which is an ASARCO copper mine. The backside of the road is a little rough. The mine is very large. They use a leaching process to remove the copper from the ore and collect it in ponds. They then take the copper-enriched water into tanks for an electrowinning process and where it is plated on stainless steel starter sheets as high-purity cathodes.

Spur trail along Silverbell Road

Ragged Top  Mountain
Aerial View of Silverbell Mine

Sunday, June 10, 2018

The Boys Depart

It has been quite the week here with Gordon and John. Mom had to go be with Grandma James so we took her to the airport Wednesday. Since then I have had Gordon and John here with the dogs. John gets up at 5AM so he has kept me busy. We went up on Mt Lemmon one day...

John at Windy Point

Bubble blowing

Kartchner Caverns another day,

The Mini Time Machine another day,

and finally the Desert Museum.

I told John not to play with the rattlesnake or it would bite him. Would he listen?

Some things were a bigger hit than others. He got tired of the Mini Time Machine quickly.

Gordon and John left Sunday night on the train to LA.

In other news, Eric and Krystal have a puppy, Koda. It will change their lives.