Sunday, July 23, 2017

Monsoons and Rainbows 2017

It seemed like forever but monsoon season has finally arrived in Southern AZ. Our air conditioner blower fan control module failed last Sunday, July 16. We noticed it when we arrived home from church and the house was 79 degrees. Fortunately the outside temperatures had cooled off because of the monsoons and the two days it took to get it fixed were survivable. Felicia said it got up to 83 in the house on Monday before the new part (under warranty) was installed.

Haley has now officially submitted her mission application papers and we are waiting. The apostles who make missionary calls take off the month of July so we have some waiting to do.

Friday, the 21st, started out as a normal off-Friday for me. We got up early and Felicia took the dogs for a walk.

 I left for a motorcycle ride. My first stop was the closest thing to us on the "Weird Places in AZ" list, The Longhorn Grill in Amada. It was closed because the only open for lunch and dinner.
Longhorn Grill
I tried to cross the Santa Cruz on a dirt road but it was too deep and fast.
Santa Cruz River
I backtracked to Mt Hopkins Road and took the bridge across then rode to the connection at Bull Springs Trail.
Ocotillos were green

Some creeks were flowing



Adobe Ruins

Felicia and I went to a movie and when we returned, Van had left a message to call ASAP. He told me the news that Janet and Terry were in an accident on the way to the cabin and Janet was badly hurt and being flown to Utah Valley Hospital. She is in a coma and we are praying for her recovery.
The Truck after rolling several times
We woke up Sat morning to hear that Alison gave birth tour 2nd grandson, Tommy. We were happy for that good news but it was hard to celebrate with Janet's condition being so dire.

Felicia and I were driving home Sat night in a rainstorm and saw this rainbow. It symbolized hope for us.
We hope this rainbow is a sign

Sunday, July 9, 2017

OV Fireworks!

It was a Happy July 4th! Oro Valley finally has its own fire works and the sow was at Naranja Park, just up the street from us. We grabbed our Chinese made camp chairs and hiked  up the hill to the show (We wished the shoulder straps on the Chinese camp chair bags hadn't self destructed).

Ready to leave for the park

Waiting for the fireworks to start

Others standing on the ridge top

They've started!

Yay USA!
Holiday was a good time to clean up Mesquite bean pods

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Pump Restored

Our pool pump is finally working again. New pump motor and new diffuser.
Haley is very near getting her mission papers in. She just needed a note from her doctor about her toe injury from the wild weekend in Washington state.

I rode out to the famous 96 Ghost Ranch on Saturday.

Jolly Crested Saguaro
Felicia and I drove to Patagonia. Felicia wasn't interested in eating there or going to the craft store so we drove out to the San Rafael Valley.
The rocks on the peaks had an interesting green colored mineral

Felicia called in some cows

We saw lots of deer like this one