Sunday, May 28, 2017

AZ BDR and Tucson Temple

I finished the Arizona Backcountry Discovery Route with Russ and Rick a little over one week ago.
Below are links to the first three videos documenting the trip. We had prayer every morning before we left and I believe it was a key to successfully getting home. We camped every night but one when it stormed and snowed. We stayed at the Super 8 in Flagstaff that night and split the room cost 3 ways.
Day 1: Bisbee to Mammoth
Day 2, Part 1: Mammoth to Globe
Day 2, Part 2: Globe to Young

Yesterday Felicia and I drove to the Costco across town to by a framed picture of the Tucson Temple. We have training as open house ushers tonight at 6PM.

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Family in Utah

We went up to Utah to be with Haley while she received her endowment in the Brigham City Temple  and also to visit my Mom and the Grants.

But first, here at some short Johnny Videos from the cruise that didn't make it in the previous post.

Gordon and Alison also came to the temple and we were pleased to see Aunt Skip and Brenda there. It is difficult for Skip to get around but she made it. She said "Ray wouldn't forgive me if I didn't come."
Haley and Felicia at the Brigham City Temple

Haley's friends came to be with her

Maddi, Kaitlyn, Haley, Kayla, McKenna, Marianne

Brigham City Tabernacle

While we were there, we stayed with Janet and Terry. They are great hosts.
View of the mountains from the Grant front yard.
Janet invited us and Haley for dinner on Sunday. Haley announced she planned to apply to go on a mission for the church. Everyone was happy with her decision.

Stephanie had us playing a game after we ate. I think it was called Ubongo.
Ubongo Party!

Mom enjoyed Ubongo

We took John to "The Wild West Playground". Unfortunately the Wild West part was being used for some large event but John didn't care. He had fun anyway.