Monday, October 24, 2016

Reuniting with Family in UT

Felicia and made a trip to Utah to meet up with family on both sides. On the way, we stopped at Zion Nat'l Park and did some hiking.
Watchman Trail

This is the Gopro video of the hike

In Utah, we met Haley to help her get a bed at IKEA and returned the twin bed she was using back to Janet. We went to Aquarium and watched 'Sister Act' at the Hale Theater.

Thanks to Janet and Terry for putting us up at their place and for getting us tickets for the Aquarium and the play!

We visited with the James side at Aunt Patty's place.

The men went for a hike while the women went shopping...

Here is the link to hike video

On Sunday we went to 'Music and the Spoken Word' with the James Family but...
....for the first time in 88 years, the Choir was not at Temple Square. There was a grand opening of the Eccles Music Hall and the choir was invited to broadcast from there. Little did we know.

We had a short live organ recital by one of the organists and then watched the broadcast on video. We then went to the visitor center to watch the new 'Meet the Mormons'.

All the Reeses got together Sunday afternoon at Janet and Terry's place.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Trouble on the Charouleau Gap Trail with GoPro and F800GS

I picked up a used Gopro on ebay. Here is an effort to chronical a recent ride, complete with crashes.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

October Conference 2016

Finally another win...
Jamal Williams lifted the cougars over the rockets, 55-53.

Uncle Van had a big part in the Priesthood session of conference.
Donny Osmond watched Conference uncomfortably comfortable.

I took the dogs for a walk after the last session. The weather here was great.

Our fitness course is degrading