Sunday, January 25, 2015

CNA Eric

Eric just finished his second week of CNA training. He says he has been CPR certified now and is learning a lot about how to help old people, including cleaning dentures. He now owns scrubs and a stethoscope.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

North Stake Conference

It was Stake Conference this week. The message of the adult session could be summed up in this quote by Elder Bednar:

"Ordinary people who faithfully, diligently, and consistently do simple things that are right before God will bring forth extraordinary results." —Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

We had Area Seventy Michael Southward visit. He is from Oklahoma and joked that he talked like Dr. Phil, and it was true.

President Ferguson was released as a councilor in the Stake Presidency and Bro. Somerville (also a Seminary teacher) was called to be his replacement. Pres Ferguson was moving due to a job change.

A key message from the Sunday session was:
  • Faith is power 
  • Faith motivates action to achieve righteous desires in spite of fear
  • Faith is fueled by obedience
At the moment we are exercising faith that Haley should be in SLC.

Ether 12:
And now, I, Moroni, would speak somewhat concerning these things; I would show unto the world that faith is things which are hoped for and not seen; wherefore, dispute not because ye see not, for ye receive no witness until after the trial of your faith.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Haley and Sandy

We woke up on Jan 1, 2015 to snow covering the cactus in the neighborhood.

Felicia and Eric took me to the airport . I flew Southwest to SLC where I was picked up by Haley and her roommate, Katelynn, who were in Salt Lake for their former roommates's wedding.

They had previously unloaded Haley's stuff in her car at the new apartment in Sandy. As you can see, there was no furniture or even a bed in her room.
We all went to Janet and Terry's house for the first night.  They had room because Stephanie and Austin had just left for Sint Maartens. The next day, Janet and Terry loaned Haley a bed that Stephanie had used when she was little and then let us use Dad's old truck. We loaded the bed and drove to Sandy.

We unloaded the bed and put it together, then went to IKEA to get a desk and chair Haley wanted using her Christmas gift card.

It took much of the afternoon to assemble these things, then we drove to Brigham City where the rest of her stuff was stored.

We spent the night in BC, then loaded her things plus a chest of drawers from her Grandma, and drove back to Sandy to unload.

After getting everything out of the boxes and getting the clothes put away somewhere in the room, we went grocery shopping. Luckily, the previous roommate (the one leaving) had cleared her stuff out of the pantry the previous day and Haley's new roommate, Stephanie, had made room in the refrigerator.

While we were at Super Target, my Mom called to ask what was taking so long. I refer you back to the pictures above.

Haley spent her first night in the apartment that Saturday night and I went back to Janet's house. Janet, Mom, and I went to church the following Sunday.  The priesthood lesson was very interesting and taught by this guy.

As of today, Haley has had a 2nd interview with Experticity and we are waiting to see if she is selected.  She has been applying at other places also, including the Target Photo Studio.