Saturday, August 30, 2014

Carlsbad Sunset

Carlsbad, CA beach bum day

 We went to the unpronounceable lagoon and rented a kayak and 2 paddleboards for two hours.

 We made it across the lagoon and back. Everyone except Felicia had a turn falling off a paddleboard. A good workout was had by all.

 Then we went to the Tamarack beach to body surf for a bit

 Found a few small blue jelly fish washing onto shore

Friday, August 29, 2014

Day 3 - Disney Leftovers

Mister Toad's lame ride

 Splash Mountain w/ Brer Rabbit


 Winnie the Pooh


 Indiana Jones repeat

 Canoe rowing class

 Star Tours repeat

 Mad T Party bizarreness

 Twilight Zone

 Slowest bumper cars ever

 Heimlich maneuver

 smell the cookies
 Radiator Springs race repeat

 Felicia's car won!