Sunday, January 22, 2017

Robot Baby Sitter

Remember Rosie from the Jetsons? Perhaps my Great-Grandchildren will have an Android nanny.
In the airport in San Jose this week, there was a display of an android helper for children. It had a video screen in it's chest and it would sing and dance to keep children's attention.
One of these can be yours for $2000!
They haven't perfected the eye-hand coordination in this package yet. Although the robots had blocks, the robots did nothing with them. It will be fun to see where we are in 15 years.

There was also a scale model display of the Winchester House in the terminal.
The actual Winchester House is not far from Pleasanton, CA where we were visiting. It is an amazing large sprawling mansion that was owned by the widow of the inventor of the rifle that won the west. She believed she was haunted by the ghosts of those (mostly native Americans) killed by her husbands invention. She was constantly adding on to the house during her lifetime because she never wanted to sleep in the same bedroom more than two nights in a row to confuse the ghosts. The house has stairways that lead to walls with no openings.

We had the award ceremony in Tucson for my work team. It was held at the Ventana Resort. They gave us these cookies that were supposed to represent hi tech...

... and we got a large chunk of crystal.

I have been working on the Chinese Lego X-Wing that Eric didn't want. I decided it looked fun so I kept it.

Random weird Giraffe head that came with the X-Wing 

Haley had fun snowboarding this week.
Eric and Krystal went car shopping.
Gordon and Alison and John went to another wedding.


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