Sunday, January 15, 2017

Stake Conference - Jan 2017

We just finished our Stake Conference. Felicia and I sang in the choir again. It is fun to sing interesting spiritual music with talented people. We sang "I Know that M Redeemer Lives" and a mash up between "High on a Mountain Top" and "True to the Faith". It went well.

Our visiting General Authority was Bishop Chris Waddell of the Presiding Bishopric. Part of his reason for being here was to check the progress of the temple construction.
Tucson Temple under construction

Bishop Chris Waddell
Bishop Waddell said the building was ahead of schedule and would be dedicated sometime in 2017 but they do not have a specific date yet.

In the Saturday night session Bishop Waddell said the reason we worship Jesus Christ can be represented by eleven words:
First 5: "Here am I. Send me!" Isaiah 6:8
Next 3: "It is finished." John 19:30

Final 3: "He is risen." Matt. 28:6

I liked that message. It is why we worship. Christ volunteered to fulfill our Heavenly Father's plan during our pre-earth life by suffering for all of our failings. He came to earth and performed that sacrifice which ended on the cross, and then he was resurrected to open the grave so that we can also be resurrected. All of this was to "bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man. (Moses 1:39)" for those who choose to follow him.

Meanwhile in our family, Johnny celebrated his 3rd birthday. He looks grown up in this picture.
Johnny and cousins. 3rd Birthday
Haley is preparing for a Snowboarding trip. Eric and Krystal are going to need a new car.


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