Organ Player?
This year's derby winner, California Chrome, was bred for only $10K and looks capable of the winning the elusive triple crown. It has been 36 years since Affirmed won, 41 years since Secretariat.
I went to San Jose for work this week to learn of a product from a small company there. Several of us went so we rented a black SUV ...
It made us look important. We stayed here...
We ate at this Guy's restaurant... which I acquired this shirt (forgot workout shirt).
It snowed on Mt Lemmon last weekend so I though I'd go see the remnants. There were none, not even a puddle. It was hot in the valley and nice on the mountain top. The sent of pine was noticeable.
Felicia and I tried to go Mother's Day shopping but the Brighton store was closed when we got there. Earlier we ate out at Zona78. The waitress was an art major who decorated our to-go boxes.
Eric tried out for a choir in Rexburg this week.
I think he made it in.
Haley enjoyed Spiderman with roommates...
...And baby John slept through the night.
I talked to Grandma Reese. She is doing well at Janet's house. They went back to Brigham City on one weekend to begin cleaning and removing unneeded items. I will need to help with that sometime.
Big mystery going into Sacrament meeting...Who will play the organ? All the organ players were cut out of the ward with the boundary change. The bishopric were calling around. I was told than one young man has learned "If You Could Hi to Kolob' on the organ.
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